Stability in South Asia vis-à-vis Climatic Vulnerabilities

  • Ayesha Ilyas
Keywords: Climate, South Asia


The paper discusses the intensity of the repercussions that climatic vulnerabilities hold for peace and stability in South Asia. Briefly explaining basic concepts, it provides important facts and figures that highlight the severity of the phenomenon. Examples from the recent past have been used to establish a relationship between climatic changes and conflict. Major countries in South Asia have been discussed individually to determine their level of vulnerability in addition to examining the current situation in South Asia with regards to climate change in an effort to predict security risks for the region at large. The research has been concluded with some suitable suggestions that can help countries reduce risks of massive instability, if not completely ruling them out.

How to Cite
Ilyas, Ayesha. 2019. “Stability in South Asia Vis-à-Vis Climatic Vulnerabilities”. Stratagem 2 (1).